
Every project is as significant as a squirrel burying a single acorn.

Squirrel and Nut Productions re-presents life-centered stories through the mediums of theater, film, and experiential art.

We create work that works, provoking thought, sparking feeling, and inspiring action — paying attention to presence in the here and now.


Everything is important, and nothing matters.

We imagine a world where storytelling awakens local consciousness, fosters deep ecology, and challenges dominant cultural myths.

Through cost-conscious and sustainable practice, we aim to balance how audiences interact with both virtual and embodied reality.

Experiental Art

Experiential Art is a participation based medium — something to feel, to move through, to embody.

It balances the boundary between artist and audience, creating immersive, participatory experiences that unfold in real time.

At Squirrel and Nut Productions, our installations are designed to engage the senses, challenge perception, and invite an active participation in the here and now.


Theatre is a seeing place for communal discovery — a place where the mirror is held up to nature.

It’s story telling that allows for a diverse collection of people to gather together in a room and laugh or cry their way into one big group catharsis.

At Squirrel and Nut Productions, we invite our theatre patrons to suspend their disbelief until the final curtain, remembering that only then “the great work begin(s).”


Film is a sequential collection of moving pictures — like paintings, but if paintings could talk.

It’s a medium which allows for variations in light, sound, and context to affect a viewer’s thoughts, feelings, and maybe even actions.

At Squirrel and Nut Productions, our films are crafted to blend innovative cinematography and narrative honesty in reflection to oddly specific perceptions.